011 – 43714444 / 011-22376807 admissions@ghpshargobind.org

Message from the Desk of the Principal

Welcome to the Guru Harkrishan Public School website. Through this website you would be acquainted with the undepictable prowess of our adept students and the mesmerizing virtues of our school. G.H.P.S has always been consistent and persistent to empower all the students, so that they would be successful into their spheres and goals.

An English proverb says, “A smooth sea never makes a skillful mariner”. True worth of a man is proved when challenges are there. Trails in life can be tragedies or triumphs, depending in how we sustain them.

We all are aware of this fact that today’s world is quite competitive. At every step we are facing a competition and everybody wants to win. Today’s child faces major challenges and the greatest challenge of all is competition, whether it is in academics, in sports, in arts or other curricular activities. Together we can bring out the best in each child and prepare to master the complexities of a changing tomorrow.

We lay due emphasis on cultivation of good manners and value education. Besides rigorous scholastic programmes, we seek to develop and nurture the different facets of a child. Whether a child is an introvert or extrovert personality, the aim is to nurture the child into self confident individual. It is with a strong commitment to the guest for excellence in the field of education, that G.H.P.S was established and is making rapid progress in enhancing its potential and changing its outlook towards providing better resources required to impart the best all around quality education laced with morality G.H.P.S will not be complacent with this achievement but strive harder to improve and sustain its level of efficiency. Our website is a window to our vibrant school life.

I would like to conclude by quoting a few lines by Robert Frost

The woods are lovely, dark and deep
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
And miles to go before I sleep.

These lines, now more than ever before, holds true for you & me.


Bhupinder Jit Singh (Gulshan)
